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(Ended) [Outage] June 5, 2024: Emergency maintenance of Lustre7

· One min read

Publication date: June 5, 2024

The restoration work was completed at around 12:00 (24 hours notation) on Thursday, 6 June 2024.

The Lustre7 high-speed storage system in the General Analysis division has experienced a failure and is currently partially un-writable.

The system is currently being restored. It is expected to take approximately two hours to recover.

Scope of impact

  • In the General Analysis division, an area (OST0031 on Lustre7) has been partially un-writable since 1:34am on Wednesday 5 June. During the restoration of this area, read/write access to this area OST0031 will be unavailable for about 2 hours (from 15:30 to 17:30).
  • The personal genome analysis division will not be affected.
  • DDBJ services and other services are not affected.