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Contact us

Contact for questions about NIG supercomputer applications and the system provided by NIG

The following questions and requests can be sent by email.


  • Questions and requests regarding the use of NIG supercomputer services, such as application for resource expansion and billing services, etc.
  • Other questions and requests that cannot be made publicly due to business reasons

To ensure a smooth response, include a summary of your enquery in the subject line of the email.

For the body of your enquery, use this template (modify <... > accordingly).

Your name: <Taro Iden>
Affiliation: <National Institute of Genetics>
Your login account: <nig-sc>
Details of your request:
Enter your enquiry details here.
For software-related questions with details such as execution commands and execution results so that the contact person can understand the situation.

Contact for questions about software and the system provided by NIG

About technical questions such as software installation, please ask in 🔗Github Discussions in order to facilitate the accumulation and sharing of questions and answers from users. We would be grateful for your cooperation, as it will help users who face similar problems in the future.

  • Your Github account is required for use.
  • If you know of a solution to a question, not only for the supercomputer team, it would be helpful if you could write an answer.
  • We may also ask for your help with questions sent to sc-helpdesk when we think it will help other users.

Contact for questions and requests regarding the NIG supercomputer website

If you have any questions or suggestions for modifications to the content of the NIG Supercomputer website, you can submit them as an Issue or Pull request to the Github repository.