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20 posts tagged with "News"

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Publication date: July 8, 2024

Medium nodes have been running on CentOS 7.9, but since Cent OS 7 is no longer supported (EOL) at the end of June, they are being migrated to Ubuntu Linux 22.04 in turn.

For the Medium node, there are users who want to use the existing analysis environment as it is, and users who want to quickly migrate to Ubuntu Linux and unify the environment with the Thin computation node, so the Grid Engine queue (medium.q) of Cent OS7 will be used for the entire current year, We will operate both the Grid Engine queue (medium-ubuntu.q) on Cent OS7 and the Grid Engine queue (medium-ubuntu.q) on Ubuntu Linux 22.04 for the rest of the year.

To submit a job to medium-ubuntu.q, specify -l medium-ubuntu when specifying the resource with the qsub command.


$ qsub -l medium-ubuntu

The medium.q is a queue that has existed so far, and to submit a job to medium.q, specify -l medium when specifying resources as before.

· One min read

Publication date: July 1, 2024

The period for accepting end-of-year account renewal applications for FY2023 is extended.

If you have not yet applied for renewal, submit your application during this period.

Please note that data will be deleted on 1 August 2024 (Thursday) if you have not applied for renewal during this period.

For more information, refer to "Applying for a renewal of your account of the end of the fiscal year".

Period for renewal application

4 Jun 2024 - 31 Mar 2024 extended to 31 July 2024

· One min read

Since the number of users of GPU nodes is increasing due to the free Parabricks, we have created only for GPU nodes in the Personal Genome Analysis division so that more researchers can use the GPU node.

This new Slurm partition only charges for the time when the computation is actually running.

This reduces the time occupied by the GPU node and allows more people to use the GPU.

Along with this, the fee structure for GPU nodes has been changed from the second phase of the project.

For more information on the usage plan table and price list, refer to the following links.

Please refer to the following link for details on how to use this service.

· One min read

A reanalysis dataset of public data from the Human Whole Genome Analysis has been published by Professor Yosuke Kawai, NCGM.

" We will share Reanalysed human whole genome analysis data that have been published in public databases as open access data on the NIG supercomputer." ("Advanced Guides" > "2023" Reanalysis dataset of public data of human whole genome analysis)

· One min read

In this fiscal year (FY2022), due to the renewal of the application system in July 2022, there have been some system issues with end-of-year account renewal applications. We apologize for the inconvenience. For information on how to deal with this, refer to FAQ.

In order to avoid confusion caused by the end-of-year renewal system issues, we decided to extend the end-of-year renewal deadline as follows.

Period for renewal application

1 Jun 2023 - 31 Mar 2023 (Friday) extended to 7 May 2023 (Sunday)

· One min read

The NBDC-DDBJ Imputation Server system has been developed by Genome Analytics Japan Inc.

"The NBDC-DDBJ imputation server system has been developed as a Japanese version of the NBDC-DDBJ imputation server, which is easy for Japanese researchers to use. The system is currently available in the Personal Genome Analysis division of the NIG supercomputer system." (from the NBDC-DDBJ Imputation Server (beta) page)

· One min read

The Github Discussions website has been set up as a place to discuss questions and answers to the NIG supercomputer.


  • To ask and answer questions, create your github account.
  • If you know of a solution to a question, not only for the supercomputer team, it would be helpful if you could write an answer.
  • We may also ask for your help with questions sent to sc-helpdesk when we think it will help other users.
  • We would be grateful for your cooperation, as it will help users who face similar problems in the future.

We are also looking for users to add articles to the supercomputer website.

When you send a pull request to the github repository, we will respond.
