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Grid Engine Queue Type

This is an old document

This document is a former NIG supercomputer (2019) document and is kept for reference purposes.

Please note that it does not work in the same way on the current NIG supercomputer (2025).

Compute nodes managed by the Grid Engine are broadly devided into interactive nodes and compute nodes.

  • interactive nodes(interactive node) are calculators to develop users' programs or perform small, quick calculations interactively on the spot.
  • Compute nodes(compute node) are compute node to perform calculations that take a long time or use a large amount of CPU or memory.

Compute requests called jobs to login and compute nodes are managed in Grid Engine with queues. Jobs wait in queue and are automatically executed by Grid Engine as soon as a computer is available if calculation requirements exceed computer resources.

In the general analysis division of the NIG supercomputer, there is a Grid Engine queue for each type of compute node.

Compute nodes TypeGrid Engine queue nameHardware typeNumber of computers and total cores
Interactive nodeslogin.q

Thin nodes Type1b
(AMD EPYC7702, 128 CPU cores/node,
4GB memory/CPU core)

three computers
384 cores

Thin nodes Type2b
(Intel Xeon Gold 6136, 24 CPU cores/node,
16GB memory/CPU core)

one computer
24 cores
Compute Nodesepyc.q

Thin nodes Type1b
(AMD EPYC7702, 128 CPU cores/node,
4GB memory/CPU core)

25 computers
3200 cores

Thin nodes Type2a
(Intel Xeon Gold 6130, 32 CPU cores/node,
12GB memory/CPU core)

32 computers
1024 cores

Thin nodes Type2b
(Intel Xeon Gold 6136, 24 CPU cores/node,
16GB memory/CPU core)

seven computers
168 cores

Thin nodes Type1a
(AMD EPYC7501, 64 CPU cores/node,
8GB memory/CPU core)

two computers
128 cores

Medium nodes
(Intel Xeon Gold 6148, 80 CPU cores/node,
38.4GB moemory/CPU core)

ten computers
800 cores