Number of accounts by institution(2024)
Aggregated only for universities and public research institutions (companies are not dixcclosed).
Name of institution | Institution number | Category of institution | Number of accounts |
Hokkaido University | 10101 | Domestic | 62 |
Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine | 10105 | Domestic | 5 |
Asahikawa Medical University | 10107 | Domestic | 2 |
Hirosaki University | 11101 | Domestic | 4 |
University of Iwate | 11201 | Domestic | 8 |
Tohoku University | 11301 | Domestic | 63 |
Yamagata University | 11501 | Domestic | 7 |
Ibaraki University | 12101 | Domestic | 4 |
University of Tsukuba | 12102 | Domestic | 20 |
University of Utsunomiya | 12201 | Domestic | 3 |
Chiba University | 12501 | Domestic | 24 |
The University of Tokyo | 12601 | Domestic | 190 |
Tokyo University of Foreign Studies | 12605 | Domestic | 1 |
Tokyo University of Science | 12608 | Domestic | 33 |
University of Electro-Communications | 12612 | Domestic | 1 |
The University of Tokyo Ocean | 12614 | Domestic | 2 |
Yokohama National University | 12701 | Domestic | 1 |
Graduate University for Advanced Studies | 12702 | Domestic | 9 |
Niigata University | 13101 | Domestic | 9 |
University of Toyama | 13201 | Domestic | 6 |
University of Kanazawa | 13301 | Domestic | 25 |
University of Fukui | 13401 | Domestic | 1 |
University of Yamanashi | 13501 | Domestic | 3 |
Shinshu University | 13601 | Domestic | 4 |
University of Gifu | 13701 | Domestic | 5 |
Shizuoka University | 13801 | Domestic | 8 |
Hamamatsu University School of Medicine | 13802 | Domestic | 3 |
Nagoya University | 13901 | Domestic | 44 |
Mie University | 14101 | Domestic | 7 |
Shiga University of Medical Science | 14202 | Domestic | 1 |
Kyoto University | 14301 | Domestic | 165 |
Osaka University | 14401 | Domestic | 28 |
Kobe University | 14501 | Domestic | 17 |
Nara Women's University | 14602 | Domestic | 2 |
Nara Institute of Science and Technology | 14603 | Domestic | 9 |
Tottori University | 15101 | Domestic | 2 |
Shimane University | 15201 | Domestic | 5 |
Okayama University | 15301 | Domestic | 60 |
Hiroshima University | 15401 | Domestic | 29 |
Yamaguchi University | 15501 | Domestic | 7 |
University of Tokushima | 16101 | Domestic | 1 |
Kagawa University | 16201 | Domestic | 4 |
Ehime University | 16301 | Domestic | 4 |
Kochi University of Technology | 16401 | Domestic | 2 |
Kyushu University | 17102 | Domestic | 53 |
Kyushu Institute of Technology | 17104 | Domestic | 2 |
Saga University | 17201 | Domestic | 4 |
Nagasaki University | 17301 | Domestic | 1 |
Kumamoto University | 17401 | Domestic | 12 |
University of Miyazaki | 17501 | Domestic | 2 |
Kagoshima University | 17701 | Domestic | 6 |
University of the Ryukyus | 18001 | Domestic | 23 |
Sapporo Medical University | 20101 | Domestic | 2 |
Akita Prefectural University | 21401 | Domestic | 2 |
Fukushima Medical University | 21601 | Domestic | 2 |
Tokyo Metropolitan University | 22604 | Domestic | 5 |
Yokohama City University | 22701 | Domestic | 11 |
University of Toyama | 23201 | Domestic | 1 |
University of Ishikawa | 23303 | Domestic | 12 |
Fukui Prefectural University | 23401 | Domestic | 6 |
Shizuoka Prefectural University | 23803 | Domestic | 1 |
Nagoya City University | 23903 | Domestic | 7 |
Kyoto Prefectural University | 24302 | Domestic | 6 |
Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine | 24303 | Domestic | 2 |
Osaka City University | 24402 | Domestic | 1 |
Osaka Prefecture University | 24403 | Domestic | 2 |
Osaka Metropolitan University | 24405 | Domestic | 6 |
University of Hyogo | 24506 | Domestic | 5 |
Nara Medical University | 24601 | Domestic | 2 |
Prefectural University of Hiroshima | 25406 | Domestic | 1 |
Sanyo-Onoda City University of Yamaguchi University of Science and Technology | 25503 | Domestic | 1 |
Kitakyushu City University | 27101 | Domestic | 1 |
Rakuno Gakuen University | 30109 | Domestic | 1 |
Iwate Medical University | 31201 | Domestic | 2 |
Jichi Medical University | 32202 | Domestic | 2 |
International University of Health and Welfare | 32206 | Domestic | 2 |
Takasaki University of Health and Welfare | 32305 | Domestic | 1 |
Saitama Medical University | 32409 | Domestic | 3 |
Tokyo University of the Arts | 32515 | Domestic | 1 |
Gakushuin University | 32606 | Domestic | 2 |
Kitasato University | 32607 | Domestic | 8 |
Keio University | 32612 | Domestic | 16 |
Juntendo University | 32620 | Domestic | 2 |
Showa University | 32622 | Domestic | 2 |
Tamagawa University | 32639 | Domestic | 1 |
Teikyo University | 32643 | Domestic | 1 |
Tokai University | 32644 | Domestic | 12 |
The University of Tokyo Medical School | 32645 | Domestic | 1 |
The Jikei University School of Medicine | 32651 | Domestic | 2 |
Tokyo University of Electro-Communications | 32657 | Domestic | 2 |
Tokyo University of Agriculture | 32658 | Domestic | 28 |
Tokyo University of Pharmacy and Life Sciences | 32659 | Domestic | 5 |
Tokyo University of Science | 32660 | Domestic | 5 |
Toho University | 32661 | Domestic | 3 |
Nihon University | 32665 | Domestic | 6 |
Nihon Medical University | 32666 | Domestic | 4 |
Nihon Dental University | 32667 | Domestic | 2 |
Nihon University of Veterinary and Life Sciences | 32669 | Domestic | 5 |
Nihon Women's University | 32670 | Domestic | 1 |
Tokyo University of City University | 32678 | Domestic | 4 |
Musashino University | 32680 | Domestic | 1 |
Meiji University | 32682 | Domestic | 2 |
Meiji Pharmaceutical University | 32684 | Domestic | 1 |
Rikkyo University | 32686 | Domestic | 1 |
Waseda University | 32689 | Domestic | 63 |
Aza University | 32701 | Domestic | 2 |
Kanagawa University | 32702 | Domestic | 2 |
St. Marianna University School of Medicine | 32713 | Domestic | 3 |
Yokohama Pharmaceutical University | 32723 | Domestic | 1 |
Niigata Pharmaceutical University | 33101 | Domestic | 2 |
Niigata University of Food and Agriculture | 33114 | Domestic | 1 |
Aichi Gakuin University | 33902 | Domestic | 1 |
Chubu University | 33910 | Domestic | 2 |
Fujita Health University | 33916 | Domestic | 2 |
Meijo University | 33919 | Domestic | 1 |
Aichi Medical University | 33920 | Domestic | 1 |
Lake Biwa Bio University | 34204 | Domestic | 1 |
Kyoto Pharmaceutical University | 34306 | Domestic | 1 |
Ritsumeikan University | 34315 | Domestic | 4 |
Osaka Institute of Technology | 34406 | Domestic | 2 |
Kansai Medical University | 34417 | Domestic | 1 |
Kindai University | 34419 | Domestic | 6 |
Setsunan University | 34428 | Domestic | 5 |
Kio University | 34605 | Domestic | 1 |
Okayama University of Science | 35302 | Domestic | 1 |
Kawasaki Medical University | 35303 | Domestic | 1 |
Sojo University | 37401 | Domestic | 3 |
University of Okinawa | 38001 | Domestic | 1 |
Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University | 38005 | Domestic | 3 |
Wakayama Technical College | 54701 | Domestic | 4 |
Kure Technical College | 55401 | Domestic | 1 |
Okinawa Technical College | 58001 | Domestic | 1 |
National Institute of Polar Research | 62611 | Domestic | 1 |
National Institute of Informatics | 62615 | Domestic | 1 |
National Institute of Genetics | 63801 | Domestic | 74 |
Institute for Basic Biological Research | 63904 | Domestic | 7 |
National Institute for Physiological Sciences | 63905 | Domestic | 1 |
Cancer Research Foundation | 72602 | Domestic | 3 |
Sasaki Institute | 72609 | Domestic | 1 |
Noguchi Institute | 72690 | Domestic | 1 |
Hokkaido Research Organization | 80122 | Domestic | 5 |
Iwate Biotech Research Center | 81202 | Domestic | 12 |
National Institute for Environmental Studies | 82101 | Domestic | 1 |
International Food and Agricultural Research Center | 82104 | Domestic | 8 |
Forest Research and Management Organization | 82105 | Domestic | 1 |
National Agriculture and Food Research Organization | 82111 | Domestic | 23 |
RIKEN | 82401 | Domestic | 9 |
National Defense Medical College | 82406 | Domestic | 1 |
Chiba Prefectural Central Museum | 82503 | Domestic | 1 |
Kazusa DNA Research Institute | 82508 | Domestic | 3 |
National Institute of Health Sciences | 82601 | Domestic | 2 |
National Institute of Infectious Diseases | 82603 | Domestic | 11 |
National Cancer Center | 82606 | Domestic | 13 |
Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Medical Science | 82609 | Domestic | 21 |
National Center for Global Health and Medicine | 82610 | Domestic | 50 |
National Center for Child Health and Development | 82612 | Domestic | 1 |
National Museum of Nature and Science | 82617 | Domestic | 7 |
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology | 82626 | Domestic | 19 |
National Institute of Information and Communications Technology | 82636 | Domestic | 1 |
National Institute of Informatics, Research Organization for Information Systems (Headquarters) | 82657 | Domestic | 10 |
Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Gerontology (Research Institute) | 82674 | Domestic | 1 |
National Institute for Natural Sciences (Research Facilities) | 82675 | Domestic | 1 |
Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology | 82706 | Domestic | 2 |
National Research and Education Center for Fisheries Science | 82708 | Domestic | 10 |
Japan Anti-Tuberculosis Association, Tuberculosis Research Institute | 82801 | Domestic | 1 |
Fukui Prefectural Satoyama Satoumi Research Institute | 83404 | Domestic | 1 |
Kyoto City Zoo | 84315 | Domestic | 1 |
National Cerebral and Cardiovascular Center | 84404 | Domestic | 1 |
Osaka Health and Safety Research Institute | 84407 | Domestic | 1 |
Osaka International Cancer Center (Research Institute) | 84409 | Domestic | 1 |
Osaka Prefectural Institute for Environmental, Agricultural and Fisheries Research (Environmental, Food, and Fisheries Research Divisions) | 84410 | Domestic | 1 |
National Institute for Health and Nutrition | 84420 | Domestic | 1 |
Hyogo Prefectural Museum of Human and Natural History | 84501 | Domestic | 1 |
Okayama Prefectural Institute of Agriculture and Forestry, Biological Science Research Institute | 85301 | Domestic | 1 |
Fukuoka Prefectural Agricultural and Forestry Research Institute | 87110 | Domestic | 1 |
National Hospital Organization Omuta Hospital (Clinical Research Department) | 87119 | Domestic | 1 |
Kyoto Prefectural Higashimaizuru High School | 99999 | Domestic | 1 |
Tokyo Metropolitan Hakuo High School | 99999 | Domestic | 1 |
Tochigi Prefectural Agricultural Research Center | 99999 | Domestic | 1 |
University of California, San Francisco | 99999 | Outside the country | 1 |
Massachusetts General Hospital / Harvard Medical School | 99999 | Outside the country | 1 |
University College London | 99999 | Outside the country | 4 |
Marche Polytechnic University | 99999 | Outside the country | 1 |
Indonesia International Institute for Life Sciences | 99999 | Outside the country | 1 |
Airlangga University | 99999 | Outside the country | 1 |
University of Indonesia | 99999 | Outside the country | 2 |
Kafr El Sheikh University | 99999 | Outside the country | 3 |
National University of Singapore | 99999 | Outside the country | 1 |
Nanyang Technological University | 99999 | Outside the country | 1 |
Mahidol University | 99999 | Outside the country | 1 |
Higher Institute of Biotechnology of Monastir | 99999 | Outside the country | 1 |
Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics | 99999 | Outside the country | 1 |
Mariano Marcos State University | 99999 | Outside the country | 1 |
Cho Ray Hospital, Vietnam | 99999 | Outside the country | 1 |
San Andres University, Bolivia | 99999 | Outside the country | 1 |
UCSI University, Malaysia | 99999 | Outside the country | 2 |
Sarawak Tropical Peat Research Institute, Malaysia | 99999 | Outside the country | 1 |
University of Malaya, Malaysia | 99999 | Outside the country | 1 |
Universiti Sabah Malaysia | 99999 | Outside the country | 1 |
Universiti Malaysia Sarawak | 99999 | Outside the country | 1 |
Universiti Putra Malaysia | 99999 | Outside the country | 2 |
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia | 99999 | Outside the country | 2 |
Institute of Systems Biology, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia | 99999 | Outside the country | 1 |
Forest Research Institute Malaysia | 99999 | Outside the country | 1 |
National Taiwan University | 99999 | Outside the country | 1 |